Whitethorn Woods, by Maeve Binchy

The really good thing with a Maeve Binchy novel is that you know what you're getting. No unexpected twists and turns; a straightforward ride through a good story with engaging characters and a heartwarming ending. I rarely miss one of her books.
But ... here's the problem. The last few Maeve Binchies I've picked up have not been novels, even though they've been packaged to look like novels. Whitethorn Woods, whatever its pleasures (and they are many) is clearly not a novel. It is a collection of loosely linked short stories, the link being a common place (a shrine to St. Anne at a place called Whitethorn Woods). The connections between characters and stories are tenuous, but once I was willing to drop the expectation that I was getting a novel and read them as short stories I thoroughly enjoyed them. They are good, thought-provoking, heartwarming and insightful stories set in modern-day Ireland. But what I would enjoy even more would be a good thick Maeve Binchy novel in the style of Circle of Friends, where I would get attached to a small group of characters in the beginning and follow their fate over a period of months and years, rather than jumping off to get to know new people all the time.
Maeve, tell me you haven't stopped writing novels! Give me something to look forward to!
Maeve can either be good or bad, and I also don't like this collection of short story thing she's been doing.
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